Licence Économie Gestion parcours international

Objectives of the Degree Programm

Majoring in « Economics and Management: International» trains you, in English and in French, to get a job whether in the oublic or private sectors, thank to innovative teaching methods, rigorous reasoning and acquisition of fundamental tools ( in Economics and Management ) . The international track of the bachelor’s degree in Economics and Management aims to provide students a better understanding and an overall view of the economy, quantitative methods useful in analyzing economic and management issues, as well as accounting knowledge.


The Economics and Management courses will give students the necessary training to be able to: • construct and develop a reasoned argument with a critical mind, • develop writing and speaking skills in French and in English, • be independent, productive and have the necessary leadership skills, • acquire good communication skills,

Thus this degree provides students with tools essential in national, international and multinational companies (échéance 30/06/2029)


The contents of the international and classic tracks of the Economics and Management bachelor’s degree are mostly the same, as well as the number of class hours. The specificity of the international track lies in:

. courses taught either in French or in English (see details below), . A compulsory international mobility for students, which will take place over the course of their bachelor (which is a 3-year program). The volume of classes taught in English are increasing progressively: 25% the first year, 30% the second year, and 50 % the third year.

Also, students will be part of multiple group projects throughout the years, improving their teamwork competencies.

Continuing Studies

MASTERS For example, Students from the international track can apply to:. at the Faculty of Law and Economics of Limoges: Master of Money, Banking, Finance and Insurance,. masters’ in French Universities,. masters’ in Foreign Universities. masters’ in teaching, Education and Training,. Business Schools.

Job Opportunities

JOB OPPORTUNITIES After a Bachelor in Economics and Management, students can be hired for intermediate staff jobs (finance, human resources, accounting…) whether in the public or the private sector. However, most students pursue to study a master’s degree.Most students studying Economics and Management take jobs as: credit analyst, financial analyst, manage-ment assistant/manager, human resources assistant/manager, marketing assistant/manager, management controller/ advisor, economist, statistician, bank account manager, insurance product manager, accountant…


  • Bloc 1 : Analyse économique crédits : 16
    • Macroéconomie 1
    • Macroéconomie 2
    • Microéconomie 1
    • Microéconomie 2
  • Bloc 2 : Techniques quantitatives crédits : 16
    • Mathématiques appliquées 1
    • Mathématiques appliquées 2
    • Statistique descriptive 1
    • Statistique descriptive 2
  • Bloc 3 : Culture économique, sociale et managériale crédits : 8
    • Histoire de la pensée et des faits économiques 1
    • Histoire de la pensée et des faits économiques 2
    • Entreprises et sociétés
    • Intelligence économique
  • Bloc 4 : Management crédits : 12
    • Marketing
    • Management des entreprises
    • Introduction à la comptabilité
    • Droit du travail
  • Bloc 5 : Langue et communication crédits : 8
    • Anglais 1
    • Anglais 2
    • PIX
      • Accompagnement PIX
      • Certification PIX
    • Informatique appliquée
    • Projet tutoré
  • Bloc 1 : Analyse économique crédits : 14
    • Macroéconomie 3
    • Macroéconomie 4
    • Microéconomie 3
    • Microéconomie 4
  • Bloc 2 : Techniques quantitatives crédits : 14
    • Mathématiques appliquées 3
    • Mathématiques appliquées 4
    • Statistiques et probabilités 3
    • Statistiques et probabilités 4
  • Bloc 3 : Comptabilité et analyse financière crédits : 9
    • Pratique comptable 1
    • Pratique comptable 2
    • Analyse financière de l'entreprise
  • Bloc 4 : Basics on banking, finance and european economics crédits : 4
    • European economic space
    • Banking & finance : basics
  • Bloc 5 : Management crédits : 8
    • Management international
    • Fondements des organisations
    • Introduction à la gestion des ressources humaines
    • Droit des affaires
  • Bloc 6 : Langue et communication crédits : 11
    • Liste à choix obligatoire (minimum : 1, maximum : 1)
      • Challenge PEPITE

The Plus


Majoring in « Economics and Management: International Track » trains you, in English and in French, to get a job whether in the public or private sectors, teaching methods, rigorous reasoning and acquisition of fundamental tools (in Economics and Management).

Student Profiles

Mostly with a scientific and/or economic background, the international track is intended for students who are curious and passionate about international issues who want to obtain a better outlook of the global economy, and to understand all aspects of globalization, going beyond the limits of the local national economy. Moreover students should demonstrate their ability to work in groups, have good communication skills, and work responsibly throughout the year in order to succeed and accomplish their goals.
